Thursday, November 28, 2019

Women Study an Example by

Women Study For many years women have always been seen to be the weaker sex as compared to men and for that reason they have always been treated as such. In every field of life be it social, educational, leadership, medical and indeed all other fields that appertain to our everyday life a woman has not always been treated well the focus of this discussion is the women in relation to the medical industry. How well or how badly have women been treated in this very crucial sector in our lives? Need essay sample on "Women Study" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed How does the medical industry both support and limit womens health? What changes do you think should be made for women to have access to adequate, affordable, culturally-relevant health care? It is an indisputable fact that the medical industry just like all other sectors has undergone a metamorphosis. The medical industry in particular has gone through great changes and has given great support to women which they previously did not. The major area of womens health that was previously neglected by the medical industry was one to do with reproductive health. Statistics indicate that about a decade ago many women would die from complications related to reproductive health such as child birth complications, termination of pregnancy and such like other complications (Walklate, 69-70). This majorly was as a result of lack of unawareness and the general presumption that women are not as important beings to be given much attention. However in todays world the womens health has been improved considerably. Women have been made aware of how to look after themselves to ensure that they are medically safe. The medical industry has gone to great heights to create awareness on reproductive women and as result many death among women and children have been avoided. However as much as they are supporting the women the medical industry has also to some extent limited the health of women. This they have done by discouraging the use of culturally relevant methods of medication. This has been seen as a great hindrance as many women would prefer to have medication methods that are in line with their various cultures. What are the main myths associated with rape? How are they perpetuated? How would your life be different if rape and the threat of rape did not exist? There are many myths surrounding this particular malpractice. One common myth is in relation to those suffering from HIV/AIDS. It is believed that if a patient suffering from this disease rapes a virgin lady then he will get well (Walklate, 77-80). Perhaps it is because of this myth that there are many cases of rape now more than ever before. Another general misunderstanding is that in any incidence of rape the woman who is the victim is always at fault. In other words she must have been the one who provoked the whole incident into occurring either by dressing in a skimpy manner or otherwise. It is unfortunate that these myths and many others about rape work against rape victims so that they are not given audience as they should. Rape is very scarily especially for women although the law recognizes the fact that rape can occur to either gender. The fact that a person knows that rapists exist make a person especially a woman live a life that is full of fear. If rape did not exist then life would have been much better to know that we all live in a world where our lives are protected and the women know that they can live confidently without fear. Work cited Walklate, S. Handbooks of Victims and Victimology, Willan Publishing, London, 2007.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay Sample on Courage of Macbeth

Essay Sample on Courage of Macbeth One person said of Macbeth Macbeths courage is his redeeming feature. Not all the blood he spills can distinguish his native humanity or blot out his splendour. Another said Macbeth looses his humanity and descends into bestial. Do you agree with either person? Explain why or why not. Macbeth may in fact be courageous. Anyone who has the guts to kill their King and their best friend must be either courageous or slightly mad, neither of which qualify as redeeming features for Macbeth. At certain times during the play, Macbeths momentary loss of his native humanity results in his making impulsive decisions. Despite this, Macbeths humanity still remains strong throughout Macbeth, depicted by his guilty conscience. The audience is more likely to sympathize with Macbeths Ð ¡tragic hero character than to be swayed by Macbeths courage. However, one could say that courage is not Macbeths redeeming feature at all, as courage could be said to be a quality that Macbeth does not possess. The most apparent changes in Macbeths courage and humanity are around the times of his four different murders. Before committing any murders, Macbeth is described by Lady Macbeth as being too full othmilk of human kindness to catch the nearest way, meaning that he would not do wrong to become King. However, by the time it comes to murder his next victim, Banquo, Macbeth has begun to put his own safety before his moral values and thus enters the dog eat dog world. The brutal murder of Lady Macduff and her son is an extremely low point in MacbethÐ ¢s humanity, as Macbeth orders their execution for no apparent reason at all. By the end of the play, Macbeths level of humanity has begun to increase, as we see when he tells Macduff that he does not want to spill any more of the Macduff familys blood, yet as a contrast in the same scene, Macbeth fights and slaughters Siwards son. In several circumstances, Macbeths courage is limited to physical nature, not emotional or mental. In the opening scenes, we see that Macbeth is physically brave and well deserves the praise bestowed upon him. In the second scene of the play, when Duncan is told about Macbeths battlefield bravery, he exclaims O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman. Macbeth may be confident defending himself on the battle field, however we see later in the play that Macbeth is easily influenced by other people, such as the witches brewing the idea of killing the King, and Lady Macbeth talking Macbeth into murdering Duncan by challenging his manliness and courage. How can we say Macbeth is courageous if he cannot stand up to his own wife, nor defend the morals he has previously lived by. Not only does Macbeth murder Duncan, but also the guards in Duncans chamber. How much courage does it take for Macbeth to murder innocent, defenseless guards? Macbeths courage seems to be at its greatest just before Banquos murder. Macbeth feels no need to consult his wife about the murder, whereas Lady Macbeth had previously been Macbeths backbone of strength. However, during the play, Macbeths apparent courage walks a fine line between true strength and a selfish fear of losing what he has. The latter seems more probable. Macbeth fears for his safety and he fears to lose all that he has. Macbeth sees his situation as to be thus is nothing;/But to be safely thus, and hence Macbeth is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his safety. Some may say that Macbeths courage in the face of death in the last Act of the play is a sign of strength. Inversely, Macbeths apparent audacity is a sign that he is unable to admit his faults and accept the penalties for his atrocious behaviour, which furthermore shows weakness of character. Macbeths false courage seems to be a redeeming feature, as the audience pities his yo-yoing confidence and courage. Macbeths remorse more so than his lack of courage is a redeeming feature. Guilt is a human quality that plays a big part in showing that Macbeth still possesses humanity. Even before Macbeth has murdered Duncan, Macbeths guilt ridden hallucination of the bloody dagger epitomizes his feelings that killing Duncan would not be morally right. The dagger of the mind that Macbeth sees is not ghostly or supernatural so much as a manifestation of the inner struggle Macbeth feels as he contemplates murdering Duncan. Macbeths appreciation of human morals also contributes to his remorse and disgust after he realizes what he has done to Duncan. Though Macbeth is a fearless soldier in battle whose sword has been smoked in bloody execution, he, like any other morally correct human, feels guilt after committing murder in cold blood. In the feast scene where Banquos ghost appears to haunt Macbeths conscience, we see that the consequences of Banquos murder have diminished Macbeths courage significant ly. Macbeth is a character often devoted to evil, yet his soliloquies are so full of eloquent speech and pathos that the audience can not help but sympathize with him. Macbeth is the tragic hero. He may have committed evil deeds, but not necessarily of his own free will. Without influences such as the Witches and Lady Macbeth, it is unlikely that Macbeth would have murdered Duncan, and hence the audience pities him. During the play, Macbeth tries to work fate to his advantage, but to no avail. Macbeth gives a heart-wrenching speech in Scene 1, Act 5, where he recounts his betrayal and loss of friends. I have lived long enough: my way of life Is falln into the sear, the yellow leaf; And that which should accompany old age, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have Macbeths realization that all he has done is terribly wrong is his biggest redeeming feature, but it cannot make up for his behaviour. Courage does not serve to compensate for Macbeths faults and murders. None of Macbeths actions or emotions could possibly make up for his treason, lies and murders of several innocent people, however, Macbeths conscience, feelings of guilt and role of the tragic hero play some part in redeeming him in the eyes of the audience, and show that Macbeth has not fully descended into the bestial. You can also order a custom term paper, research paper, thesis, dissertation or essay on courage from our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with high-quality custom written papers at an affordable cost.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case Study - Assignment Example Hackers might focus on a company’s financial data to obtain its earnings before being publicly released. Such knowledge might enable their profit by acquiring or dumping stock. Another threat to data security of a corporate firm is known as the advanced persistent threat. It predominantly involves stealing intellectual property and associates itself with state-sponsored espionage. The gains are not strictly financial because what is at risk is not only the intellectual property of the corporate entity but possibly the national security. APT targets organisations and nations for economic and political motives. The Stuxnet worm case in 2010 is an example of such a case (Plant 1). The Stuxnet worm infiltrated industrial control systems like those that manage water or power plants. Industries at risk include defence industries, financial industries and technology industries. Another potentially dangerous threat is hacktivism. The goal of the hackers in this type is creating or altering the public perception of the brand. For instance, the hackers might hack and get sensitive information about the company and disclose it the whole world especially if the company belongs to the private sector. An example of such a type of threat is WikiLeaks or the digital equivalent of Occupy Wall

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


TARGET CORPORATION FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION - Essay Example The  ratio  is  mainly  used  to give an idea of the companys ability to pay back its short-term liabilities (debt and payables) with its short-term assets (cash, inventory, receivables). The higher the current ratio, the more capable the company is of paying its obligations. A ratio under 1 suggests that the company would be unable to pay off its obligations if they came due at that point. Target is 1.32 suggesting that it would be able to pay its debt .32 more than is owed. However, Wal-mart size require much more debt to finance it operations. Wal-Mart .85 is not the best financial position, buy it may be because the company has a longer inventory turnover than Target. Wal-Mart is by its very nature a company with huge warehouse of inventory and other current asset. Target, on the other hand is a smaller operation. Asset Turnover reflects a company’s ability to use its assets to generate sales and is an important indication of operating efficiency. It tells the analyst how many dollars of sales a company generates for each dollar invested in assets. It is computed by dividing net sales by average total assets. As we can see, Asset turnover ratio for Target Corporation has gone up from 1.43 to 1.52 mostly due to increase in Net Sales. It is a good indicator of the efficiency in utilization of the assets and should be viewed positively by investors when comparing Target Corporation with its competitors like Wal-Mart

Monday, November 18, 2019

Crew Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Crew Resource Management - Essay Example This is done for the purpose of problem solving and for efficient decision making. In the same context, the interpersonal skills refer to the behaviours, communication skills and activities which occasionally or frequently relate to the technical attributes. Moreover, these are limited to the multi crew equipment or aircraft, when spoken in terms of aviation. They are also in relation with the single operator aircraft and equipments as they have to communicate with other crafts invariably so that the ultimate mission is accomplished (O'Connor, 2008). The recruitment and training under crew resource management has been developed and introduced by the organizations involved in aviation business. These include military aviation and major airlines. Hence, the crew resource management recruitment and training and has been made mandatory all over the world. It is mandated for commercial pilots and military pilots as well. Discussion The importance of crew resource management is mentioned i n many researches and has been attributed for preventing numerous events in the past. This system is well designed and properly monitored throughout organizations. The health care system owes a great deal to the crew resource management as numerous flights require paramedical staff for coping with medical mishaps (Morey, 2003). History of crew resource management The cabin and flight crew in the present world are significantly different from the ones that existed in the commercial aviation business years back. In those days the captain of an airplane was always considered the right one and his decisions were never questioned. Other pilots on the aircraft never doubted the decision making abilities of the... The main focus of this paper was to learn and document the different aspects of crew resource management. The assignment also focuses on discussing the different crucial elements of this system and its implementation health care system. Special attention has been given to the implications of this system in paramedical practice in aviation system. The elements of communication, assertion, teamwork, leadership and decision making are not only important in the prevention of human errors in the cockpit but also in the reduction of medical conditions. These medical conditions can be life-threatening. Hence, the role of a paramedical practitioner is very important in the aviation system. The in-depth understanding of crew resource management and its implementation in regular practice is important for all the health care workers. This report makes a conclusion that communication plays an important role in the encouragement of multiculturalism, authority and teamwork. It enhances the main objectives of crew resource management such as self awareness, situational awareness, assertiveness, leadership skills, innovation, flexibility, assertiveness, decision making, event management, adaptability and mission analysis. Communication is also involved in the analysis of the disagreements between situations and events. The communication strategy can be implemented by teaching team members how to listen to each other, talk to each other, acknowledge feelings and be assertive. The administration has to take part in this regard

Friday, November 15, 2019

One Thousand Dollars

One Thousand Dollars Old Bryson was a calm, anti-social man, about forty years old. Gillian say to Old Bryson Ire just come from a meeting with my late uncle lawyer. He leaves we an even thousand dollars?. After this, Gillian found Miss Lauriere and many of people. I like for one person has Gillian meet is blind man. Gillian found a blind man sat on the side walk selling pencils. Gillian ask him Excuse me, but would you mind telling me what you would do if you had a thousand dollars?. The blind man took a small book from his coat pocket and hold it out. Gillian opened it and saw that if was a bank deposit book. A blind man have one thousand seven hundred eighty-five dollars in his bank account. Finally, Gillson said to my late uncle lawyer I lost the thousand dollars on the races. So funny for this short story. The One Thousand Dollars by O.Henry is the best short story. In short story the main character is Mr Gillian. The theme of One Thousand Dollars we have to understand about how to manage the money. Mr Gillian liability to manage money him uncles after he died so him are required to provide us with a report of how him used this one thousand dollar as soon as him have spent it. Mr Gillian is very honest person, benevolent and him like listen other opinion from him friends for manage him uncles money. One Thousand Dollars Mr Gillian can open our minds how to make this decision because of the decisions we make have to think about the good and bad to us and those who are around us. We also need to trust in managing the money that has been entrusted to us. The moral of the story we have to be smart to manage financial. ELEMENT 2 SETTING: Types of setting minor in the short story One Thousand Dollars is at the club Gillian. There, the main character introduced as a named Mr.Gillian was meet Old Bryson in a reading corner. Secondly, Mr.Gillian went to the stage entrance of the Columbine There was meet his lover is a Miss Lauriere. There Miss Lauriere was preparing for her performance. Thirdly, Mr.Gillian in a cab and speaks with drivers. Then, Mr.Gillian got out of the cab and meet a blind man on the sidewalk that selling pencils. Mr.Gillian be from one place to another place is to asked somebody about the money a thousand dollars. Lastly for unimportant to the plot during the end of short story Mr.Gillian waiting for the elevator. Types of settings major is at offices Tolman and Sharp. There, the lawyer Tolman give the thin package of fifty-dollar bills to Mr. Gillian and required Mr. Gillian for make a report about how to used one thousand dollars. There is also, Mr. Gillian present a report to the lawyer. This is a important part of the short story. The characters is a part of setting is Mr. Gillian. He is a main character for this story because he change over the course of the story. In the short story, Mr. Gillian strive to provide report how to used one thousand dollars with a view to obtaining the fifty thousand dollars. But, his report unsatisfied and caused lost the fifty thousand dollars. ELEMENT 3 ATTEMPT: Attempt is the character takes action to reach his goal. The main character in the short story is Mr. Gullian. He was takes action for provide his report how to use one thousand dollars. He went to meet and asked his friend known as Old Bryson, cab driver, a blind man about what you do with a thousand dollars if they had it. His goal is get more than one thousand dollars. Therefore, he always think the best way use the money one thousand dollars for his report. ELEMENT 4 STYLE: Figurative : Even fifty dollars would have been loss trable Interesting : I have funny story to tell you, said Gillian I thought the late Septimus Gillian was worth something like half a million, said Old Bryson showed very little interest. 3.0 TYPE OF STORY Gillian laid the money beside her hand on the desk. Miss Hayden turned white. Oh! she said. And again, Oh! Gillian half turned and looked out the window. In a low voice he said, I suppose, of course, that you know I love you. I am sorry, said Miss Hayden, as she picked up her money. There is no use? asked Gillian, almost light-heartedly. I am sorry, she said again. May I write a note? asked Gillian, with a smile. Miss Hayden supplied him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table. Gillian wrote a report of how he spent the thousand dollars: Paid by Robert Gillian, one thousand dollars on account of the eternal happiness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth. Textually Implicit Text In this story, Young Gillian is a playboy. He clearly wastes money at clubs and on showgirls. Gillian spends the money well gives it to the woman he loves (even though she doesnt love him).He finds out that if he spent the money to the woman he loves. Gillian shows the best side of love here. He knows that Miriam will not love him no matter how rich he is. So he sacrifices his happiness for hers. This text is textually implicit because we have to use the information in the story to make inferences about the characters actions and goal. One thousand dollars, said the lawyer Tolman, in a severe and serious voice. And here is the money. Young Gillian touched the thin package of fifty-dollar bills and laughed. Its such an unusual amount, he explained, kindly, to the lawyer. If it had been ten thousand a man might celebrate with a lot of fireworks. Even fifty dollars would have been less trouble. You heard the reading of your uncles will after he died, continued the lawyer Tolman. I do not know if you paid much attention to its details. I must remind you of one. You are required to provide us with a report of how you used this one thousand dollars as soon as you have spent it. I trust that you will obey the wishes of your late uncle. You may depend on it, said the young man respectfully. Textually Explicit Text In this story, Young Gillian is upset his wealthy uncle left him with $1000 with strings attached. His hope was that his nephew would change his shallow ways. He must spend the $1000 and prove to the lawyers he didnt spend it on something frivolous. He spends the whole day trying to figure out how to do that. This text have the relationship with the goal is stated in the text. Now, Mr. Gillian, Mr. Sharp and I will examine your report of the one thousand dollars. Mr. Tolman reached for the envelope. Gillian was a little quicker in taking it up. He calmly tore the report and its cover into pieces and dropped them into his pocket. Its all right, he said, smilingly. There isnt a bit of need to bother you with this. I dont suppose you would understand these itemized bets, anyway. I lost the thousand dollars on the races. Good-day to you, gentlemen. Tolman and Sharp shook their heads mournfully at each other when Gillian left. They heard him whistling happily in the hallway as he waited for the elevator.Scriptally Implicit Text In the text, the relationship between one thousand dollar, its final observation that one thousand dollar, he spent the money to get love is not made explicit. The conclusion he will double her happiness by a white lie at the end of the story, by telling that he had spent the money gambling. 4.0 LITERARY CRITICSM ELEMENT 1- THE CRITICAL RESPONSE : Young Gillian is characterized as something of a playboy. He clearly wastes money at clubs and on showgirls. His uncle has not liked this about him and has left him $1,000. Gillian doesnt know this, but if he spends it well, he gets $50,000 and if he doesnt he gets nothing more. Gillian spends the money well gives it to the woman he loves (even though she doesnt love him). Then he finds out about the $50,000. He finds out that if he spent the money badly, the $50,000 goes to the woman he loves. When he hears this, he lies and says he wasted the money. Gillian shows the best side of love here. He knows that Miriam will not love him no matter how rich he is. So he sacrifices his happiness for hers. ELEMENT 2 THE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE: In the literary criticism we have to identify the main character Mr Gillian. Mr Gillian is good person but him dont know how him manage this one thousand dollars in him life. He meet with various partners who have different backgrounds so they give different opinion but him not accept they opinion because their ideas do not same with the requirements. Mr. Gillian began to feel confused as to what he would do. Mr. Gillian feels he can to manage the money properly. But Mr. Gillian not affords to bear the responsibilities given by his uncle. Firstly, went I reading this short story I started thinking about what Mr. Gillian to manage his late uncles money. Then when he started to ask friends so I feel him can choosing which of the opinion will be accept by Mr. Gillian but lastly I feel so angry because Mr. Gillian already using the money in horse racing. 5.0 CONCLUSION A money given was to use the money to get the love for a woman. Although he had to cheat lawyer for money that is used to obtain the happiness of his love. Thus, the lesson from this story is that we should be good at financial planning us toward those things that are beneficial. Let the money is properly planned so that the money available to be spent on worthwhile things. Act of cheating should be avoided. Therefore, we must be wise and clever in managing our own lives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Our Child of Poverty Essay -- Poverty Essays

Our Child of Poverty From the writer: This paper was inspired by my work on "The Community Child Project" and the book "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol. The project was a children's literacy initiative that included discussions which pointed to poverty as being a deterrent in children's educational success. I then began to think about perceptions of poverty held by myself an others. I have here attempted to capture those attitudes and identify why I see them as problematic. From the teacher: Sarah found her project for this course (Writing With Theory) in her work in a service learning course she was taking with Rosaria Champagne in ETS. As Sarah began to write, she thought the differences between her own life and the lives of the young girls she was "helping" were extremely large. As she explored her own interests and the conversations she was having with other SU students, she came to think that the differences were much more subtle. Her way of describing the differences, then, came in her use of metaphor and juxtaposition. Sarah was the student in this course who was the most dedicated to the writing--process as well as product. From the editors: This piece addresses the impoverished conditions faced by urban families in America, confronting the issues that many of us dismiss. Smith integrates the novel Push, by Sapphire, with anecdotes of her childhood and reflections upon her experiences with children as a maturing adult. Through application of social theory, textual analysis and literary narrative, this paper demonstrates the author's developing cognition about the hardships endured by the underprivileged and calls for the reader to apprehend these ideals. As Veronica's sisters drove home in their black Lex... ... the negative effects of our behaviors on others. This is apparent in classism with what I'll call the "us-not-them" phenomenon. When we are able to separate ourselves from the other, more specifically the other living in poverty, there is no desire to remedy the situation. When we neglect to foster a sense of community between them and us there is no bond, no relationship. When there is no community it is easy to separate our actions from others. It is impossible to realize the ramifications of classism from within a culture that lacks any cohesive community. We sometimes ask why those living on the streets and in poverty do nothing to help themselves? Let's try to imagine what the reality of their existence is. Try to see what they see. Veronica reminds me as she gives me a ride in her new Pathfinder, "No one would have all those factors beating them down." Our Child of Poverty Essay -- Poverty Essays Our Child of Poverty From the writer: This paper was inspired by my work on "The Community Child Project" and the book "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol. The project was a children's literacy initiative that included discussions which pointed to poverty as being a deterrent in children's educational success. I then began to think about perceptions of poverty held by myself an others. I have here attempted to capture those attitudes and identify why I see them as problematic. From the teacher: Sarah found her project for this course (Writing With Theory) in her work in a service learning course she was taking with Rosaria Champagne in ETS. As Sarah began to write, she thought the differences between her own life and the lives of the young girls she was "helping" were extremely large. As she explored her own interests and the conversations she was having with other SU students, she came to think that the differences were much more subtle. Her way of describing the differences, then, came in her use of metaphor and juxtaposition. Sarah was the student in this course who was the most dedicated to the writing--process as well as product. From the editors: This piece addresses the impoverished conditions faced by urban families in America, confronting the issues that many of us dismiss. Smith integrates the novel Push, by Sapphire, with anecdotes of her childhood and reflections upon her experiences with children as a maturing adult. Through application of social theory, textual analysis and literary narrative, this paper demonstrates the author's developing cognition about the hardships endured by the underprivileged and calls for the reader to apprehend these ideals. As Veronica's sisters drove home in their black Lex... ... the negative effects of our behaviors on others. This is apparent in classism with what I'll call the "us-not-them" phenomenon. When we are able to separate ourselves from the other, more specifically the other living in poverty, there is no desire to remedy the situation. When we neglect to foster a sense of community between them and us there is no bond, no relationship. When there is no community it is easy to separate our actions from others. It is impossible to realize the ramifications of classism from within a culture that lacks any cohesive community. We sometimes ask why those living on the streets and in poverty do nothing to help themselves? Let's try to imagine what the reality of their existence is. Try to see what they see. Veronica reminds me as she gives me a ride in her new Pathfinder, "No one would have all those factors beating them down."